
Monday, January 2, 2012

Arise and Shine Forth - LDS YW Printable

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I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and am lucky enough to be involved with the Young Women's program.  That means I get to spend my time with the 12 - 18 year old girls of the church.  Each year, there is a common theme that is used church wide for teaching the girls standards and values.  This year the theme is Arise and Shine Forth.  We, as YW leaders, wanted to give the girls something to keep with them through out the year to remember this theme and what's better than chapstick.  I love all the chapstick covers ideas from My Computer Is My Canvas so used them to create our own custom chapstick labels.  I didn't just stop there, I created a bookmark to give at a later date and a Subway Art Poster to hang on our bulletin board.  We are so excited for this years theme and to give the girls these fun handouts throughout the year. 

This free download includes chapstick labels, bookmarks and an 8x10 Subway Art Poster -
Download HERE!