
Friday, June 22, 2012

Firecracker - FREEBIE

I received an e-mail from one of my readers a few weeks ago wondering if it would be possible to come up with some sort of 4th of July firecracker Mod Podge craft.  I thought it was a great idea and knew that they would look great on my tablescape.  I had seen a few ideas floating around Pintrest and wanted to come up with my own spin.  Since I used coordinating paper, these little guys match my 4th of July word block perfectly.  They were quick and easy to make - especially since I made them right along side word blocks.

Download FREEBIE and full instructions - click HERE!

As a side note - when I was trying to find a wooden dowel large enough for this project, Lowes was the only store that carried 1" or larger so you may want to look there first.  I used 1 1/8" size for my firecrackers. 

Linked up at the following . . .

Tatertots and Jello

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

4th of July Blocks - NEW RELEASE

I love the 4th of July.  I love the fireworks, the barbecues and all things red, white and blue.  Growing up, the 4th was all about the fireworks.  I hated waiting for dark to come because as a child, it never seemed to come fast enough. I loved snuggling on my blanket and watching the fireworks go off.  Now as an adult, I have a much deeper appreciation for the 4th.  It is more than just the fun holiday I remember as a kid.  I know that I am blessed to live in and be an American.  I am grateful for the liberty that I am afforded because I live in this great nation. 

I knew that I needed to add to my growing collection of word block with a 4th of July set.  I love the way they turned out.  They were a perfect addition to my 4th tablescape. 

Visit my Etsy Shop to get your 4th of July DIY printable . . .HERE!
an instruction sheet and complete supply list is included with this file.

While you are at my Etsy shop, you also might like to check out my Summertime Blocks - HERE

I have linked up at the following . . .

Be Different Act NormalCraft Envy I am Only 1 WomanPolly Want a Crafter, Six Sisters Stuff, Skip To My LouSumo's Sweet StuffC.R.A.F.TPolly Want a CrafterSinging Three Little BirdsSew Can DoMaking the World CuterToday's Creative BlogLadybug BlessingsSugar Bee CraftsTip JunkieMy Girlish WhimsLil LunaPassionately ArtisticNot Just a HousewifeFunky Polkadot GiraffeSew Much Ado