
Friday, June 14, 2013

Summertime Bordem Buster Chart - New Release

Day One into my summer vacation with my kiddos I literally broke down in sobs to my hubby before he left for work because I didn't know how I was going survive the summer.  My poor hubby . . . he didn't know what to do with me.  He told me to take a deep breath and face the day head on and left.  After the tears stopped flowing, I came up with the idea for this summertime bordem buster chart. 

 It turned out just like I wanted it to.  I wanted a self-managing chart for my older kiddos to help give them activity ideas for the day and somethign that would help limit their "screen time."  I haven't heard them say, "Mom I'm bored!" since the charts were mounted on the wall.   Success!!!

Basically, my kids pick an activity to play.  Once they are finished and cleaned up, they can move that activity strip to the "screen time" box they desire.  Once 3 activity strips have been collected in one box, then they get to play whatever that screen time box is. 

I also offer a more personalized version in my Etsy Shop where you can add your child's name, "screen time" time limits and a list of daily chores that they need to complete.

Here are my kiddos command centers (that is what I am calling them).  Their Personalize Week Chore Chart and Payday Punch Cards complete their command centers.  Everything my kids need to get through their day is right at their fingertips.  I love it and most importantly they love it.

 If you are interested in making these for your kiddos be sure to stop by my Etsy Shop to get your files today.

Summertime Bordem Buster Charts - available for INSTANT DOWNLOAD

Personalized Bordem Buster Charts