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1 comment:

  1. I love your design for the Arise and Shine Forth lip balm covers. I am new to Young Women's (and computers) and am wondering if you would mind, and if there is a way to manipulate the file so I can make different size labels using your design. I want to make labels to replace the labels on purchased water bottles for our guest to have at our Young Women in Excellence program in a few weeks and also I would like to use the design in an oval shaped label to use to seal a small glassine package with a cookie in it. I would love to learn how to make designs like you did for the lip balm labels and was wondering what type of programs you use on a computer to do something like this. I would love to learn how to do things like this on the computer but I really have zero experience on the computer. Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas and for your help.
